Sitting on the train from Hornsby into Central station every morning, every second person seems to have their head down, clutching some sort of glowing device and is frantically tapping away at a screen. Be it an iPod touch, iPad or Smartphone, it’s hard to ignore the fact that portable technology is becoming more prevalent. It’s believed the number of users increase every day and is said that over 83 million web users who access the internet do it via their mobile device.
In the age of portable digital devices, which are now outselling PCs, it’s not enough for business owners to have a website. Now there’s the need for their website to be mobile-friendly as well.For technophobes, the easiest solution might be to throw your arms in the air and try and ignore the rapidly increasing page of technology, but it’s a sure-fire way to lose customers.
Website’s that aren’t optimised for mobile use are extremely difficult to navigate. The text is often microscopic. It requires having to zoom in and move the page around in an attempt to find what you’re looking for. In fact it’s just a pain in the butt, so unless you have a mobile-friendly site, it’s likely a potential customer will log on to a competitors website if you haven’t moved with the times.
Mobile friendly sites are quicker to download. They’re not bogged down with large images or fancy web banners using java or flash which take forever to download and chew through data allowance like hungry termites. Having a mobile optimised website is cheaper than having an app created for you. Apps need to be created in a variety of platforms so they are compatible with the mobile device. For example an app created for a blackberry won’t work on the Android platform. Mobile friendly websites don’t present the same compatibility issues which may arise if you were to have an app designed.Your competitors already have optimised websites, so what are you waiting for? Talk to a proven graphic design company today.