
Website design tweaks you can make now to retain customers

Generating new leads following a pandemic and an economy with high inflation is difficult. No one wants to spend, but did you know it’s actually more affordable for you to invest in customer retention than chasing new leads? New stats released by SmallBizGenuis revealed most business owners are unanimous in the fact the focus need to pivot to retaining customers as they drive the existing revenue. It was also concluded that by attributing an additional 5% investment to digital marketing such as website development, it had the potential to increase profits by 25%.

Website design and development is crucial to ensuring your customers keep returning to your wesbite. Ease of navigation, mobile responsiveness and fast load speeds are crucial.

Let’s take a look at a few of the website designs tweaks you can have made to your site to help with customer retention. Step one is to organise a website audit. Using specialist SEO reporting software and Google Analytics, our team at XDesigns will interpret data to give us insight on your website’s performance. It can tell us where most of your traffic is coming from, how long they stay on the landing page before bouncing and after landing on the website where they navigate to from there. It can also provide data on download speeds, keyword performance and SERP results. Once your website’s carefully critiqued, our website development expert will be able to provide advise on what design tweaks are recommended.

Website navigation

We’re all time-poor! No one has time to spend hours trawling your website looking for products or services. Your customers should be able to search your products via products names or keywords, find your contact details and easily read the fonts—colours and font choice matter! Clear call to actions (what you expect your customer to do next), clickable items and the ability to access any information in just 3 clicks, are all important website design tweaks that need to be made.

Website menus shouldn’t have more than 8 categories, we recommend 5-6 (Home,About Us, Services, Gallery, Contact Us, Blog)

An example of one website thatregular ranks on the top 50 worst websites for navigation is https://www.arngren.net/. Simply looking at the website is akin to nails on a chalkboard.

Two websites doing a far superior job are 1) Adpost 2) TradeMe—New Zealand’s answer to Ebay.

Update stock photos and clipart to custom graphics

The visual elements of a website is crucial to making your brand instantly recognisable. Winnie Wong poh ming from the University College of Technology Sarawak studied the effects of website quality and customer loyalty and discovered businesses who used custom illustrations were seen as being more trustworthy. If you don’t have your own photos or illustrations, it’s well worth the investment in hiring a professional photographer and/or a graphic designer. A refresh of the artwork can make the world of difference.

Custom illustrations can be used to highlight case studies and portray data in a clean, crisp and visually appealing way and make your website authentically you.

One website that does this particularly well and has been ranked as one of the best user-experience websites https://www.dopplepress.com/

If you want your website to stand out in a digitally saturated world, custom graphics and your very own branded photos are going to make a world of difference.

Use a plugin to translate your website into multiple languages.

Thanks to the internet your website is just a keyboard-touch away from literally billions of people no matter where they live on the globe. Once upon a time it was unthought of that people on the opposite side of the world would be able to shop your e-commerce site (providing you offer shipping worldwide). To assume all visitors to your website speak English is almost ignorant. Australia is a melting-pot of cultures and not all of them speak English well. If in addition to retaining customers, you’re looking to connect with new prospects and increasing your revenue, we highly recommned website a multilingual website but the truth is companies that have made the transition have experienced an increase in sales by at least 25%. Some websites have seen a 70% increase in sales.

Add trust badges

People spend more time on a website when they feel safe there. Include awards, security seals, and other trust badges to provide users with a sense of security. Badges such as safe checkout, Verisign or verified by Visa are all available through merchant programs. Do your research and qualify to be trust partners so we can tweak your website design to include trust badges.

Regularly update the content

By regularly updating the content, you’re signalling to Google that your website features fresh new content. The Google spider will index the new pages. It also helps with SEO. Regular industry articles, case studies, videos and case studies provide social proof and can help establish you as a thought leader. If you don’t already have a dedicated blog page we can incorporate this for you! Updated content will aslo keep your clients coming back to your site, if you provide useful, unique and educational material.

In conclusion:

The tweaks you can make to your website design don’t have to include a full website revamp. These simple, tweaks to your website can aid in customer retention as well as improve your SEO so new customers find your business. Let’s quickly relook at the simple web development updates we can introduce to your website.

  • Revamp your website structure to ensure customers can find information within 5 clicks.
  • Hire an experience graphic designer or illustrator to create custom graphics unique to your business
  • Install a multilingual plugin so global visitors can purchase from your website with ease
  • Use a copywriter to flesh out industry articles, case studies, news and blogs/
  • Add trust badges to give customers security when browsing your website.

At XDesigns Advertising, we have the skills and abilities to ensure we can tweak your website and carry out all the development strategies we have suggestion, in house. Contact us today and support Australian business.

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