
The Need-To-Knows About Newsletters

To create a newsletter that works, there are a few things you really ought to know to make it worth your while.

  1. Newsletters should be like All Bran – Regular, same time, same place.  If your clients receive newsletters at regular intervals, they will get into the habit of keeping an eye out for them.

  2. Don’t overcomplicate it. Keep the size of the newsletter manageable. There’s no point creating a four page, double sized document every month if you’re struggling for quality content. A well-produced double-sided A4 sheet should be ample.

  3. Proper formatting saves time. Create a template which can easily be edited and changed at a moment’s notice. Use a program specifically designed for creating newsletters like Adobe Indesign or Microsoft Publisher. This makes it much easier to edit or manoeuvre images and text without unintentionally altering other elements

  4. Limit colour.  While it may be tempting to turn your newsletter into a rainbow, try to restrict the amount of colour to images, the main banner and maybe the background. Keep in mind the more multi-coloured, the more expensive it is to print if you’re sending it off to a printer. 

  5. Make it readable. Stick with a font which is easy on the eye. For more information about font selection refer to the article “The Art of Typography”.

  6. Don’t be afraid to embrace white space. The idea that you must jam-pack information into every little corner can clutter up a newsletter making it look junky. White space provides an element of appeal and makes it easier to read

  7. Be Bold. Without eye-catching headlines which intrigue your customers to read the body copy, a newsletter would be a big waste of time. A bold face type will help distinguish the headlines from the text.

  8. Give it flair. Newsletters don’t have to be a snooze fest. Make your content as vibrant and interesting as possible. Your customers don’t want to hear about what has happened at your company. They want relevant information that effects them – handy hints, updates on the market, ways of saving money etc.

  9. Two sets of eyes are better than one. Check for mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Also get a colleague to proof read as well. Get a second person to proofread for you to ensure you have missed any little errors.  Potential customers will measure your professionalism by the quality of the material you produce.

Now you’ve got the basics, how about giving your own newsletter a go? If you’re not confident, choosing a proven professional will save you time and money.

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