Writing a profile for a brochure promoting your company can be a daunting process. So how do you know where to begin? This straight-forward guide to what to and what not to include should steer you in the ‘write’ direction.
1. Put yourself in prospective client’s shoes. What would you want to know about the company? What is it that you do better than your opposition?
2. Brainstorm. Make a list of all the points of difference your company can boast about. What can you offer than no one else can?
3. Use the KISS factor. Keep it simple. You may be an expert in your field and throw around technical jargon as fluently as you speak your native tongue, but keep in mind the average Joe reading your brochure won’t be buzzword savvy. Too much techno speak can be a turn off. Even if you are sending it out to people in the industry, it’s advisable to use clear, easy to understand language.
4. Provide useful, relevant information. Include the key management team and photos if possible, descriptions of company products and services, location of business, contact numbers and try to infuse it with some personality to make it more interesting to those who land on your web page.
5. Avoid using corny mission statements. Yawn fest. Seriously, who reads these anyway? The text needs about what you can do, not what you hope to achieve
6. Make it personable. People relate to people. Some companies like to have a little fun with the staff profiles to make them seem a little more approachable and often include quirky questions eg: Worst Christmas Present ever received or make amusing comments about their personality. You don’t have to include this, but it certainly makes it more readable.
7. Be precise. This should be fairly obvious, but don’t claim your company can meet obligations it can’t. With the internet, the world is a very small place and it only takes one or two people to post negative comments on a blog which can easily affect your business.
8. Don’t waffle. Keep it short. Customer’s won’t read long screeds of text. The reader should be able to pick up the main gist of what your company is about in just a glance. Those who are interested in knowing more can always be referred to your company website.
9. Don’t wing it. If you’re not competent you can write a great company profile, there are tools available online to help you construct on, or simply enlist the help of a proven professional. You will still need provide information outlined in steps 1-4, but at least it will give you time to concentrate on the areas you excel in.
Now you have 9 easy steps to follow, what are you waiting for? Get brain storming.