A lead magnet is a freebie or special deal on your website, which captures your website visitors’ email addresses. It turns browsers into subscribers with a better success rate than most other email gleaning alternatives.
In other words, what you’re offering has to entice visitors to your page and make the effort of actually entering their email address worthwhile.
It can be a tough ask in a digital world where sometimes just clicking like or share seems to be like a big effort and spamming and
Simply using a newsletter or offer subscription box isn’t going to bait customers into divulging their details. Location, design, relevance, simplicity and compelling copy are all important components to creating a persuasive lead magnet.
A lead magnet needs to be concise about what the customer will receive in turn for giving you their email details. Use bribery, something a customer would normally expect to pay
Ensure you follow-up and each lead receives their free offer or deal in a timely manner,
and unsubscribed next time they see an email from you. Captured email addresses can be added to your contact database (sometimes referred to as a sales funnel).
You need to put in place a great follow-up strategy to foster your leads and transform them into sales. For more information on setting up lead magnets for your website or blog, contact the team at XDesigns. Our clients are located throughout Australia, Sydney, Castle Hill, Norwest, Parramatta, Ryde and Seven Hills.